wp-config.php is a core WordPress configuration file that contains website database information like user name, database name, and password. This file also contains other information like site URLs and default folder locations.
You can edit wp-config.php when you move from one host to another host to make changes in databases if needed. You can also change your domain name URLs through it.
Here is the guide to find and edit the wp-config.php file through your cPanel.
File Manager > public_html > wp-config.php
Find wp-config.php
Login to your cPanel
Under Files > File Manager.
Click on File Manager.
After that click on the public_html folder. All the WordPress files will open. In this public_html folder find wp-config.php file.
Edit wp-config.php
Click on the wp-config.php file to select. First of all, On the top of the screen click “download” the wp-config.php file to your PC for backup in case any misconfiguration happens. Click on “edit” to makes changes or add any code or details in the wp-config.php file.
After editing the file click on the “Save Changes” blue button at the right top corner.