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Fast Reliable UK Web Hosting Company. Dedicated Servers, VPS Hosting, Cloud Apps, Reseller Hosting, Domains, 24/7 Support & 30-day money-back guarantee!

Web hosting features:

Feature-rich web hosting

Full web statistics (including Google Analytics support), robust email services, cPanel control panel, and every programming language you can ever dream of.

Instant setup on accounts

Don’t accept second best. Our world-class services come with 24×7 support, instant setup and advanced features including comprehensive website statistics, cPanel control panel, full POP3/IMAP/Webmail and regular backups.

1-Click CMS & script installer

Our hosting plans fully support WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and more, with 1-Click Softaculous Installer – for ease of use, it cannot be beaten.

Latest Dell & Intel hardware

We’re proud to say our servers are powered by the latest Dell & Intel hardware to make sure we offer all our customers the best quality hosting available.


Support Lines

  • Live Chat
  • Ticket Support

Payment Options

  • PayPal
  • Credit Cards

Server Locations

  • UK Users Review

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